My time as a freelance photographer has taught me so much, yet there is still much for me to learn, and learning photography is an ongoing process. 
At first, I might not be able to work out a specific project, but with cooperation and investment of time, everything is possible. The process of learning is what keeps me going, and the love for expressing who I am through photography. 
There is not one way to complete a project, it's trying different methods and failing that helps the project get completed. When I work on bigger projects, I've come to the realization that projects take time, it doesn't matter what size the project is, it's going to take time. 
I make every single project and event with my full passion, every photo has a story behind it. So for me it's has always and will always be about the story and how I am able to express it in such a way, that there is no misconception whether or not I have expressed what is needed. 
I treat every project like my best work so far, it probably will be my best work so far. I always give my projects 100% of myself, I wish to be reflected in the work I present to the world. 
My work isn't about getting recognition or getting famous. My work here is showing who I am, making sure that people who know me, can see it's my work without doubting or looking twice.
While expressing myself, I try to express what I've learned from my late grandfather, a man whom I see as the definition of art and integrity. 
I devote myself to my work and my colleagues wherever they might be. My collaborations so far, have played a huge part in making Lyngbye Photo what it is today. I'm in eternal debt to the people who didn't hesitate to support my work.
You can expect me to use 100% of my skills
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